Self Expression Magazine

Strange Goings On... Blog Update

By Kvlog101 @KVlog101
I have not checked on the blog for a few days as i have been busy sorting out a few things ready for launching a new project next month...
As i logged on i found  that there was a spike in the views yesterday and there was a post with a video link... i did not post this so i think the blog may have broken temporally but it is all sorted out now...
So back to the reason behind this blog post. I feel like i should give all my readers a update about December and my projects planned for next year.
In the past i have wanted to make videos but when i comes down to the point of uploading them i stop myself as i feel that it is not good enough... I have said i will upload a video for my 10000 page views target for this blog but i have had an idea instead which will be better,
I have been keeping track of this blog since the start and i have decided that i am going to make a video that charts the journey of my blog from start up to the end of this year...
I will release it at the end of the year and will run a competition to go with it to reward my readers that have supported my blog from the start.
Thanks for reading and supporting the blog.

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