I received yet another email earlier today asking me if I would like to form a partnership with yet another fantastic supporting site that offers support and advice to vulnerable women.
Anything that will help women recovering from or going through difficult times is always of interest to me as I work hard to establish relationships with hundreds of women online who need support and resources that I cannot fill.
I will always refer on women who need professional support to the correct organisations.
My blog offers a safe and confidential place for women to speak out and enable them to share their experiences and fears. Being able to see that others do not judge them and there is always someone out there who can relate too and understand is a huge benefit.
I run a very large Facebook group for mothers, many regard this supportive network as a life line. I do not get paid, I do this because I want to make a difference in this world, no matter how small that maybe.
I may well write my own books in the future, but the FREE support I offer will ALWAYS come first. Thats what’s important.
I become rather disheartened and somewhat angry when companies, bloggers, people, email me asking if they too can help the women on my blog. They can provide content for the blog, help me help more and offer resource tips and great support.
It sounds fantastic, I am only 1 person and always grateful for help but…
When I have looked at the last 3 organisations offering their support, I see that in order to gain this support there is a fee? There is no free support on the site, until you have paid a subscription and booked a course?
You want to charge vulnerable women in exchange for help?
Why would anybody want to make cash out of abused and defenceless women?
While I understand the desire to help, where is your FREE course? OK so if they want one to one dedicated support then charge, but why only offer chargeable services?
We are not freaks? We are not here for you to make cash from and we deserve better than this.
I am one mother, one voice speaking out for hundreds of women when I say “We all need support, to be believed, understood and listened too”.
We did not choose this life we lead, we were dealt it and we live it daily, please don’t use our weakness to make a financial gain from.
*Please note this is not aimed directly at any organisation and while I understand businesses need to make money, they are doing it in the wrong way.