Arts & Crafts Magazine

Stitched by Hand

By Seamssewcreative
My Sweet Cream Dream quilt is finished, and I even accomplished the embroidered label. While it shows that this was my first time hand stitching a label on a quilt, I'm happy with the end result. Just don't look too close :)
Stitched by Hand
Stitched by Hand
Stitched by Hand
Some of the letters are a little wonky, but overall not terribly embarrassing. It definitely looks better from a distance.
I also finished my cheater's cross stitch project. This is another project that I think is a "close but not quite" candidate. The colors were not blue enough to really make it look like Irises. It was good practice thought, and definitely got me back in the swing of doing things by hand (without a machine).
Stitched by HandStitched by HandMy stitches turned out pretty even, and overall I like it. A little grandma, but that's not a huge surprise for those who know me ;) For my next "nightstand" project I'm going to make baby 2 a crocheted quilt.
Happy sewing,

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