Lifestyle Magazine

Sticking with What We Know: Gluten Free May!

By Mamakbest @mamakbest

It’s May!  Can you believe it?!  At this point, hopefully you have kept up with the monthly challenges incorporating a cleaner way of eating into your lifestyle!  We started in January with the  focused working out and clean eating challenge,  February we sacrificed fried foods, March… out went the gluten, (According to, we were to sacrifice alcohol but I had plans for Trinidad and bubbly and the beach were definitely part of the trip!) April had the 10K Challenge  and no juice or soda for the month!

Whew!  Hopefully all of this training, sacrificing and clean eating has to lead to happier, healthier lifestyle and a fantastic bikini body!  This month we are sticking with what we know!  Gluten Free May… let’s do this!  Yay to sunshine!  Happy May, lovelies!  xoxo- Kellie

PS-  Look for the exercise challenge coming up later!  I’m excited about it!


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