Religion Magazine

Staying Connected

By Jenrene
Staying Connected
self peace-self portrait

I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same beareth much fruit: for apart from me ye can do nothing. John 15:15

I love to contemplate.   This week I have contemplated on why  I  am feeling so good inside. Like –  deep, down inside.  So I reflected about what I am doing this week or what’s changing to help me feel so GOOD.

1. For one, I will be turning 44 this week… and I think it’s simply awesome. I am not upset about  it, I feel absolutely GREAT about my age and wouldn’t change it for every I have grown more wise, more  contemplative and I have found greater REST.

2. I believe just spending time with God and talking to him in my spirit helps me to maintain a certain level of peace, as well. I am so connected this week, so my peace is evident.

3. I feel good about helping others and feeling as if I am seeing results in my work, by the grace of God. God is my consultant, so He is really helping me to stay connected to what the people I help need.

4. I am in a good place. Helping people I never thought I would be helping and adding purpose to the lives of others. It feels good to start out on a path, and wind up in places you never imagined you would.

Thinking about being connected to my purpose. I decided that if blogging is something I  love to do, it shall indeed be a positive past time of mine. Blogging challenges do entice you, though - I decided to try to see how many I can get completed in thirty days, if it’s not thirty it’s quite alright. I keep writing about stuff I love and gives me purpose.

One of the wonderful things I love to do is find out via  researching about how to say abreast of life and maintain authentic happiness.  I may have told you before that my name means”"Make Me Happy”. How then, can I not find and seek and search for as often as possible how to get this gracious gift? When you find your  purpose and it has deep meaning, your success and happiness usually follows. It also helps to have someone in your life who supports that purpose. I was reading in my book The Gifts Of Imperfection, how the author Brene’ Brown spends time reflecting on the valuable things that bring meaning and purpose in to her life.

I want to teach  also about obtaining happiness, once I start to travel the world. I don’t just want to teach  in the U.S.  My desire is to teach in Brazil,  Australia, Canada, perhaps and even Africa. I have  so much to share.  I love having goals and perhaps this is another reason I feel so connected to the Vine.  Continually refining my goals help me to see that even if I start small, and  have daily goals, no one but me monitors them, so it’s ok if i don’t fulfill one or two. I used to have so much pressure on  accomplishing goals. Earlier this week, we were talking about   in my Sunday morning church class how God establishes goals in us. God is tuned into our purpose and has such an intimate desire to connect with us as the Vine and  sincerely wants us to be His “branches”. I wonder sometimes if we really “reach like we need to, to find what we are searching for.

In order to know if we are doing what the Master requires  we must be intentional in seeking for it.  As we discussed the subject  in our class I saw this scripture: “before you were in the womb, I knew you.” ( Jeremiah 1:5) — and I literally saw myself in the womb of God, long before  I exited in my mother’s womb and God just setting before me, my destiny. The DNA God  was giving me, had a complete purpose and He had full intention for me to fulfill it. He had instituted a plan that was an integral  part of my obtaining my inheritance in the Lord.

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