Speaking with Shack News, series creator Ancel said it wouldn’t be possible to recreate the Wii U version’s features on Smartglass.
“It’s not as responsive as we need,” he said.
On top of that, “It’s not very popular today,” he added. Ancel said that getting the second-screen play to work on the Wii U game Pad was a challenge in and of itself; he said it worked much better with a stylus, but that doesn’t feel “natural”. Ubsioft Montpelier vowed to ensure it wrung responsiveness out of the touchscreen with digits alone.
“I think most of the kids now are more comfortable with tablets, they use their fingers. We did some special developments to interpolate what the player is doing,” he said of this process. Rayman Legends is coming to PlayStation 3, Vita, Wii U and Xbox 360 in late August and early September and will include levels from Rayman Origins.