The Mail reports that a former McDonald’s employee in Britain received a £3,000 settlement after being fired for giving a co-worker too many sprinkles on a McFlurry.
Really? The product is called a “McFlurry” not a “McPartly Cloudy With A Five Percent Chance Of Sleet.”
3 Worse Things That A Fast Food Employee Could Put On An Ice Cream Product
1. A McChild-proof Lid.
2. The chocolate treat known as Kinder Surprise in much of the world, and “illegal item” in America. It would certainly suck to get a fine greater than your wages for putting a chocolate covered treat in ice cream.

If you try to bring these into the United States, you may be in for a surprise, and not the “kind” type of surprise. (photos of fugitive Kinder Surprises blurred to protect their identities)
3. A lawsuit for improper dismissal. Not really a tasty treat, but may help avoid future firings over sprinkle generosity.