Lifestyle Magazine

{ "Springing" The Gold Factor On Y'all }

By Whimofthesouth

I love gold. Gold is my preference over silver & to be totally honest it just SCREAMS warmer weather! And who can resist this seasons love of honeycomb (no to be confused with honey bees.) I'm not about yellow and black stripes, but the gold and yellow combo I can totally get down with. 

I'm so ready for white jeans to be back in season so I don't feel totally out of waco drooling over them in the stores. Regretfully I don't think I will ever be ok with wearing them before easter. It just seems wrong to me (nothing personal to those of you gorgeous belles that like to step outside the box.) My favorite piece for this season is the C.Wonder honeycomb heel. How fabulous is it really? Be honest. The honeycomb heel is a new take on the classic, adding the modern touch of the chunky heel & honeycomb detailing. Be patient pretties, spring will be here before you know it! xoBCC

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