Lifestyle Magazine

Spring and Summer Wedding Shoes

By Claire

Spring/Summer Wed­ding Shoes

Spring and sum­mer are very pop­u­lar times to get mar­ried. Roman­tic blos­som trees, beau­ti­ful colour­ful flow­ers and warm sum­mer days (we hope!) You have cho­sen your per­fect gown so now is the time to choose your 2nd most impor­tant pur­chase, the wed­ding shoes.

With so many stun­ning wed­ding shoes around you will have a dif­fi­cult task unless you already have a good idea of what you are look­ing for. First decide on what heel height will be com­fort­able by mea­sur­ing the heel height of your favorite shoes. Remem­ber your feet may swell on a hot day so com­fort is paramount.

Rain­bow Club have man­u­fac­tured the most amaz­ing com­fort­able shoes with bliss padding around the toes, these really feel like wear­ing slip­pers, and as a per­son with strange feet myself, these shoes are the only ones I can wear when attend­ing wed­ding fairs.

I also have many of these dyed in dif­fer­ent colours to match my sum­mer dresses because they don’t make your feet ache in the heat so these are my absolute favorite.

Jess are great with wedges that look styl­ish yet com­fort­able, and are espe­cially great for wed­dings on fields or beaches. Then we have Faith with a smaller heel but again extra com­fort­able. Both these styles can be tweaked by our design stu­dio to add embell­ish­ments, crys­tals and pearls.

Perdita's summer wedding shoes (1)

Photo sup­plied by Perdita’s Wed­ding Shoes

The new peep toe designs we have in stock have some lovely pleat­ing and trims which com­pli­ment many bridal gowns per­fectly. The most pop­u­lar styles at the moment are Nina and Tori as they have the per­fect ankle strap for added security.

Perdita's summer wedding shoes (3)

Nina — pop­u­lar peep toe wed­ding shoe

Flat shoes are so pop­u­lar these days with many hus­bands to be being smaller than the bride, espe­cially when she has those sky high heels on. Take a look at Perdy Lace or Lexi which are flat yet ultra-glamorous.

Perdita's summer wedding shoes (2)

Perdy wed­ding shoes — gor­geous flats for taller brides

Join us in our New­cas­tle under Lyme show­room where you can try on these won­der­ful styles for your­self or take a look at all the styles on our web­site where you will ben­e­fit from free deliv­ery and dyeing.

Perdita’s Wed­ding Shoes

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