It seems that everything is getting faster and faster all the time and we don’t take time to slow down and enjoy small things on daily basis. Tell me honestly if you can resist not to look at you iPhone during lunch or dinner? Most of the time I cannot. I mean seriously what can be so important that it cannot wait for ONE hour? A must see instapic? A funny tweet? Or a work email that spells out ‘hey, you must be connected and working all the time’.

That’s why it’s fantastic to hear about a campaign that concentrates on reminding us that eating is not meant to be rushed. We eat with our eyes, so we should be able to take the time to savour the beautiful food in front of us. And then slowly and throughly taste each and every bite without glancing into the direction of iPhone, iPad or even TV. To enjoy the company of our dining companions or the solitude of having something wonderful just for yourself.
The top London chef Ollie Dabbous has partnered with Yeni Raki to remind us to unrush our world and inspire the spirit of slow whilst embracing the importance of taking time to enjoy food. To me this message is a very important reminder that nowadays more than ever before we do have to slow down to be able to enjoy the amazing moments that happen every day. Even whilst cooking or baking I do find myself rushing to get everything done as fast as possible that I can move on to the next task on my to-do list. Afterwords I sometimes think that why didn’t I just slow down and actually take time to cherish something I enjoy doing instead of trying to move on to something else that I don’t enjoy doing as much. So Ollie Dabbous’ message ‘I believe food isn’t meant to be rushed, eating isn’t meant to be hurried‘ is on point. Stop. Enjoy. Cherish the moment.

I do also enjoy finding new foods and drinks to taste and I cannot wait to taste Yeni Raki. Yeni Raki originates from Turkey where slow dining is cherished on daily basis. I do love a proper Turkish meal. Lamb is a must – a lot of deliciously cooked and fresh tasting lamb. Super delicious! The Ollie Dabbous x Yeni Raki video has inspired me to try the recipe featured in the video – Barbecue Lamb Shoulder with Violet Mustard Yoghurt, Cracked Wheat and Pickled Vine Leaves. That’s sound mouth-wateringly delicious!

Yen Raki is also hosting a slow-dining dinner series with some of London’s top restaurants creating bespoke menus to be enjoyed with Yeni Raki. You can follow and join the campaign on #unrushyourworld and @YeniRakiGlobal. On this long Bank Holiday Weekend celebrate the Spirit of Slow by creating your own Raki Table. Invite good friends to share a bottle of Yeni Raki with mouth-wateringly delicious food and lot of laughter! Just remember to drink responsibly!

Check out Yeni Raki online to find out more about Yeni Raki.
You can follow Yeni Raki on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.
This post was brought to you with Yeni Raki but all thoughts, reviews and opinions are our own.