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SPOILER: True Blood Season 7-Will Alcide and Sookie Live Happily Ever After?

Posted on the 22 August 2013 by Truebloodnetcom @truebloodnet

The Season 6 Finale of True Blood flashed forward 6 months and showed a very happy and in love, Sookie(Anna Paquin) and Alcide(Joe Manganiello). Sookie has sworn off vampires(for maybe the 100th time) so we are sure that Sookie and Alcide will live happily ever after…NOT! Though Alcide is the suitor closest to a human that Sookie has fallen for in the 6 seasons(with the exception of Sam), it makes sense that the storyline would put these two together(since Sam is no longer available). got an exclusive interview with True Blood Show Runner, Brian Buckner and he dished on the Season 7 Alcide/Sookie Scoop!

“The show has flirted with a Sookie and Alcide romance for years. Why was now the right time to pull the trigger on that?
In a world where almost everybody is a creature of some kind, Alcide is the most human of all of our creatures. Now, that’s not to say that it was his most human season. We all felt the same thing that the audience was feeling, which was that Alcide needed to come back to center. So it was that as much as anything else. And it was also that Sookie’s going to put her money where her mouth is and say “no more vampires.” She got into it with Warlow without knowing he was a vampire, so she was trying. But this shows growth for Sookie. I mean, I suppose he’s a hunk, so at least she’s still getting her piece. [Laughs] He’s the most normal, most human, most down-to-earth of any of her suitors. To me, with Eric gone and off on his own story going forward, I think it’s a pretty obvious triangle we’re setting up between Bill and Sookie and Alcide.”

To see the entire interview check out the link below!

I only have two issue with the Sookie/Alcide love story…Didn’t Eric glamour Alcide into never touching Sookie? Wasn’t Sookie supposed to repulse Alcide? I may have missed the un-glamour moment…What do you think Truebies? Is there a contradiction here? Number two, I love the Eric/Sookie/Bill love triangle…not sure the Alcide/Sookie/Bill triangle is going to do it for me!

Source: Blood Scoop: Alexander Skarsgard’s Season 7 Fate Revealed! Plus-EP Talks to That Nude Scene, Bill-Sookie-Alcide Triangle and More

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