Will Tara Be Back for Season 5? According to Rutina Wesley in a Q & A with TVLine, the answer is a resounding yes. Her contract has been renewed for Season 5. But what exactly does that mean on True Blood? Does she survive having the back of her head blown off? Does she become a vampire? A zombie? A ghost? Who the heck knows? Not even the actress herself:
“Everything’s up in the air because half of my head is missing. [Laughs] I know Alan has big plans for me next season. But has he shared those plans with me? Not really.”
Although, she would prefer not to become a vampire. She enjoys being one of the only humans left on the show, and besides — it would be a pain to have to learn how to talk with fangs in your mouth! Oh, and another thing… don’t call Tara a victim. Wesley says she saw her character more as a survivor this season, just trying to get through it all. She enjoyed filming the shooting scene, and she really enjoyed getting to play “sassy Tara” again:
“I really liked the humor in Tara that we got towards the end. It felt like Season 1 Tara with the one-liners. It was fun getting back to the sassy Tara. I just like to see her be strong and stable and not necessarily crying and whining.”
So, what’s the bottom line, Truebies? You will be seeing Tara on the show in Season 5. As exactly what, that remains to be seen! What’s your theory? Are you glad she’s coming back, or were you glad to see her go?
Source: TVLine.com - True Blood Scoop: Rutina Wesley Will Be Back For Season 5… But In What Form?
(Photo: HBO)