Fashion Magazine

Spilling out Emotion and Shaving My Hair, is That Normal?

By Teaantoast @teaantoastblog


Image from my Instagram

Since doing this post in August last year about my depression I've felt it a lot more easier to talk about what's going on in real life rather than just posting about the good things. We all go through things every single day, life isn't a Disney film all the time and there's always someone out there who can relate to you in some way. I know blogging about these sorts of things is a little controversial to some people but I feel like it helps me a lot, and surely that's a good thing!
I've not really been in a good place the past few weeks. I've been very down, since buying Ina Circle money has become really tight and it's a massive struggle at the moment. Putting a strain on pretty much everything in my life, I'm working 7 days a week at the moment between Ina Circle and Forever 21 and I'm exhausted, but it's got to be done. This is life as a grown up! It's really hard for the both of us and we just have to plod along until we get ourselves sorted.
I have amazing people around who are supporting me and keeping a smile on my face! which I'm incredibly grateful for.Yesterday I kind of... I don't really know how to explain why I did it but I shaved my head. A little. I've loved this look for a while now but never been brave enough to do it and I've always thought it was too "hardcore" for me. I think with feeling all over the place with how I look and how I feel lately I just wanted to fuck it all and do it. So I did. I went back to my boyfriends house and after hardly no persuasion at all got him to shave my head, it was hilarious!!


Image from my Instagram

I don't think I've ever done something so spontaneous with my appearance in all my life! I'm glad I did it and I LOVE IT!! As to why I did it I think it was just something I had control over (healthier than bulimia right?). It is pretty fucked up I guess but it's only hair, it can grow back. For now it's something that's made me feel a little better about myself and that's definitely a good thing. As for all the other shit stuff going on, something good will happen eventually, I'm sure of it. Just got to remain positive!

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