Fashion Magazine

Spending Ban

By Bethtinkerbell @TinksLostGirls

Spending Ban Button
Georgina from Makeup Pixi3 posted today about doing a spending ban so that she can save up for a DSLR that she has been wanting. She said she would love it if others would join her in having a spending ban whether they have a target in mind or just want to be on a ban for a set amount of time.
I’ve decided to join her and I’m going to save up £400 for a holiday, my lovely friend Hannah is in Bologna and I would love to be able to go out and visit her before she comes back home. I’d like to be able to go out and see her in March/April so hopefully I can have saved up enough by then otherwise I’ll try and go on to save a little extra so that I can to see my sister in Australia when she moves out there next year. My laptop also seems to be on its last legs yet again, but I only bought it a few months ago so I’m going to try and return it to store and see if they can fix it for me.
I am obviously going to have some rules for this challenge, 1, I can’t buy any products unless I’ve run out and don’t have something similar.
2, I can buy gifts for other people, which is an essential with Christmas coming up!
3, I can buy myself a beauty advent calendar.
4, I can buy any books required for book club.
5, I can buy an outfit for my Confirmation at the end of November.
6, I am allowed to subscribe to a beauty box or spend the equivalent (£12.95) on beauty products.
7, I can buy products/props which are essential for my YouTube videos.
8, I’ll give you updates as to how i’m getting on, along with anything that I’m lusting after.
I’m hoping that this spending ban will give me the opportunity to play with a lot more of my beauty products that I haven’t touched in ages, and I can rediscover them!
Will you be starting a spending ban any time soon?

Tink x

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