But that never stopped me from buying and trying different oils, and the recent one I got, is from Soulflower Healthy Hair Aroma Massage Oil and here is my review on it.

PRICE: Rs. 450.00
INGREDIENTS: Lavender, rosemary, neem, juniper, emblica officinalis essential oils, jojoba, olive, coconut & castor oils.
WHAT IT CLAIMS: " This special blend provides all round strength & energy to your hair. Prevents hair fall & premature baldness, promotes hair growth, reduces itchiness & dry scalp conditions that lead to dandruff. "
MY EXPERIENCE: The first thing that caught my attention about this oil, is that it doesn't make any tall claims, of doing so and so things in so and so time. It just claims to give Healthy hair and it actually makes hair look healthy. The ingredients list shows the blend of all the recommended oils required for good hair growth which I like. Another fact I love about it is that, it isn't sticky/oily. It's thick (since it has castor oil and olive oil) in texture but not chipku champu type, if you know what I mean. And it smells really sweet, I don't know why I identify it with the sweet aroma of fennel seeds, though it's not there in the ingredients :P. I have been using it once/twice every week and like to keep it overnight before washing it off. It washes off easily leaving a softness and shine that makes hair look healthy and adds volume too.

I don't have much of dandruff problem, so can't comment if it works on it or not. Only thing I really don't like about this, is the packaging and the pin hole mouth, as it isn't exactly functional for this purpose. And it's the same case for most of the massage oils in their range. I need to put so much pressure to get the required amount of oil that the shape of the bottle gets deformed as a result. :P I hope if anyone from Soulflower is reading this, then please do something about this packaging problem.WHAT I LIKED:
- It makes my dry hair look healthy and adds volume to it.
- Doesn't give sticky oily feeling like with most hair oils.
- I love the sweet aroma of the oil, though others might/might not like it as it is a bit strong and stays for a good while, but that's a personal preference.
- Soulflower claims to make effective products out of fresh fruit and vegetables and the finest essential oils without animal ingredients. And they don't do animal testing either.
- The packaging isn't functional and could be improvised.
- The price is on the higher side.
- Soulflower products have only 1 flagship store at Inorbit Mall, Malad as of now, but is easily available online.
VERDICT: For the first time I look forward to this haircare routine of oiling my hair, and I love how it works on my hair. Definitely recommended!
RATINGS: 4.5 out of 5