Next stop, acid.
Something’s Fishy
Does any one take fish oil for their health? If you do, I have a quick tip for you. Don’t put them in your pocket and then then wash your sweatpants. My husband, Mike, did this, and so far we’ve washed those pants three times — once after soaking them in vinegar for a few hours — and they still reek. They smell, and almost everything else that was in the wash with them, smells. The whole house smelled like low tide at one point.
If you know a way to get fish smell out of sweatpants, please let me know! (No questions asked.)
We’ve tried:
- Baking soda
- Vinegar
- This stuff (didn’t work) —>
- Ordering new sweatpants (this worked)
Pineapple #4 Cover Reveal!

Should be out in about a week!
There’s also a two-legged cat that walks on his hind legs in this one…

And finally, the obligatory giveaway below…
There is also a NEW AXP GIVEAWAY PAGE featuring lots of different giveaways!