Books Magazine

Something New #BookReview #WeekendCooking

By Joyweesemoll @joyweesemoll

Book: Something New: Tales from a Makeshift Bride by Lucy Knisley
Genre: Graphic "novel" memoir
Publisher: First Second, Roaring Brook Press
Publication date: 2016
Pages: 291

Source: Library

Summary: Lucy Knisley is in the habit of documenting the big events of her life in words and pictures, memoirs that follow the graphic novel format:

Something New is Knisley's account of her wedding and the preparations for it.

Food always makes a big appearance in Knisley's work, so we get to learn all about the wedding feast and the artisans who produced it - starting with Jamie who owns a farm-to-table restaurant and ending with a dessert that's anything but the run-of-mill and ridiculously expensive wedding cake. Don't miss the recipe for poutine!

Thoughts: I've been trying to figure out why I'm so entranced by Lucy Knisley's pictorial memoirs. I think it's because she's me if I were born 25 years later and developed a drawing ability. That makes Something New particularly appropriate this year. I read about her wedding a few months before celebrating the 25th anniversary of my wedding.

I remember encountering many of the same issues that Knisley explored in Something New:

  • how to make our wedding unique
  • how to use that uniqueness to create a low-cost wedding
  • how to protect the above two efforts in the face of the wedding-industry onslaught about what a wedding is "supposed" to be

Appeal: For anyone with fond memories or future trepidation about a wedding.

Something New #BookReview #WeekendCooking

I'll link this review to Weekend Cooking at Beth Fish Reads. Check out her post today for culinary adventures around the World Wide Web.

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Something New #BookReview #WeekendCooking

About Joy Weese Moll

a librarian writing about books

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