Art & Design Magazine

Something New

By Dolci @dolcimirabella

  Before Christmas, I started to experiment with Golden Fluid Acrylics. I even bought some Glass Bead Gel.I want to produce a painting for my kitchen. Something with reflective quality. I am trying the Glass Bead Gel in several different paintings to produce a luminescent effect. The acrylic painting of the tree is one of my explorations.Something NewAnother way to pass my time is to sketch whenever I can. Things get so busy, it's sometimes challenging to find time to paint, but I do enjoy sketching out ideas and inspirations. The first one I have included here is a picture of my daughter and her love. They took a picture at a recent Patriot's football game. I think the resemblance for Anthony is pretty accurate, but my daughter Juli's is not quite right. I'll have to work on this some more.Something New
My second piece was inspired while I was reading The Bells a novel by Richard Harvell.  I found the descriptions in this work vivid and spent a lot of time visualizing the action while I read.  In this scene, Moses has met Amelia out in the city, but he does not want her to see him. He brought a piece of red silk to cover her eyes. Amelia insisted on exploring his face with her hands.Something NewThe third sketch is one I did earlier this fall. I wanted to capture my grandson looking at the stars at night. There's a rocket in the picture because I thought he might imagine himself riding up to explore the stars.
Something New

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