Lifestyle Magazine

Something Blue… at Duke’s 92

By Claire

wedding blog photo credit Foley Photography (30)

Pamela is such a nat­u­rally beau­ti­ful girl, and absolutely radi­ant when you see the pic­tures of her with Andy, with their lit­tle boy and with all the chil­dren on the wed­ding day. So I’m absolutely delighted to share this pretty young mum’s wed­ding on the blog today.

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With thanks to Scott Foley of Foley Pho­tog­ra­phy for shar­ing images with us, and con­grat­u­la­tions and huge thanks to Pamela and Andy for a really lovely wed­ding report.


Claire xxx

wedding blog photo credit Foley Photography (28)

The night before the wed­ding Pamela stayed in the hotel in Man­ches­ter with her brides­maids and fam­ily. Andy was at home with our boy and the best men. On the morn­ing of the wed­ding the boys went for a hair cut and Turk­ish shave at ‘Mr’ in Man­ches­ter while Pamela came back to Sale with the brides­maids to have their hair put up at ‘The Edge.’ The boys had the wed­ding car set up with rib­bons and stopped off for 10 mins to pick up a café break­fast but were caught out by an unsym­pa­thetic traf­fic war­den while they waited!

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The venue of our wed­ding was the Castle­field rooms in Man­ches­ter, part of Dukes ’92 / Albert’s Shed and Andy was some­what sur­prised when Pamela turned up 10 min­utes early!

Pamela had 5 brides­maids and 3 page boys. The older three brides­maids where in navy blue, and the younger girls in white but I added some blue gems to tie them all in, all three page boys (includ­ing our 2 year old son Archie) had the same bridal suits as the groom but we teamed them with white con­verse trainers.

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Pamela’s wed­ding dress was designed by Sophia Tolli and the style was ‘Livia.’ The dress was pur­chased from Fairy­tale Brides in Sale, South Manchester.

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The bride’s jew­ellery was from a stall at a bridal show and the shoes (she was very excited about the shoes!) were a mid­night blue peep toe by Kurt Geiger. The some­thing bor­rowed was Pamela’s Mum’s wed­ding ring which we used for the ceremony.

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The sim­ple wed­ding cer­e­mony was mem­o­rable for Andy get­ting tongue tied on Pamela’s full name. Instead of ‘Pamela Mar­garet…’ Andy man­aged to merge the two names say­ing ‘I Andy Robin­son take you Par­gatet….’ Tip to all grooms, prac­tice say­ing your future wife’s full name out loud before the big day!

wedding blog photo credit Foley Photography (15)

The groom chose a mid­night blue Prince Edward suit with a white/blue waist­coat and match­ing blue cra­vat. All the men’s suits were hired from Best Man. Andy’s some­thing spe­cial was a Nixon watch Pamela sur­prised him with on the wed­ding morning.

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We opted to get the speeches out of the way before the wed­ding break­fast and there after a heart­felt speech from the Father of the bride and Groom it was the best man’s turn. The tra­di­tional mock­ing of the groom some­how ended up with one of the best men pro­duc­ing a men’s rain­bow coloured g-string Andy was forced to wear on the stag do but on throw­ing it over at Andy he only man­aged to get as far as the Father of the bride’s head! Every­one in the room took a sharp breath in before explod­ing with laughter.

After the speeches we had the amaz­ing food from Albert’s shed restau­rant, all the guests enjoyed their meal and we are still get­ting com­pli­ments now.

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Pamela’s wed­ding day advice

Make sure you read your partner’s names out loud in full


Stay calm and relaxed. It goes so fast so make sure you take that moment together to reflect on the day, and give your­self a toast for mak­ing it all hap­pen (I bet you thought it never would)

Have faith in your venue they’ve had lots of prac­tice

It will be perfect

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The wed­ding day was a typ­i­cal rainy July Man­ches­ter day so we were lim­ited to indoor wed­ding pho­tos but our pho­tog­ra­pher, Scott Foley, worked hard to get some great shots that we were really happy with.

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We man­aged to get out­side in-between the rain for the tra­di­tional con­fetti shot while the room was being turned around and when we returned the party com­menced, we had hired a photo booth for our guests which went down very well (money well spent) and we all had so much fun. Our first dance was to Adele with “Make you feel my love”

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One of my mem­o­rable moments was when the rain had finally let up me and Andy sat out­side watch­ing our guests get seated ready for the wed­ding break­fast, it was a great time to reflect on the day.

Also some of the younger boys at the wed­ding (Jack, Matthew and Declan) had been play­ing all day together (they had only met that day) and when the DJ started to play they quickly went up and asked for a song then cleared the dance floor and gave us a great dance show.

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Pamela and Andy’s rec­om­mended wed­ding suppliers

Scott Foley – Our amaz­ing pho­tog­ra­pher thank you so much

Flow­ers – Susan Lomax from Black Eyed Susie Flo­ral Design found on face­book

The two older brides­maids where designed and made by a friend’s mum, she took my ideas and made it all come together. They were more than I could have imag­ined and wanted one myself. All the other brides­maids out­fits where from Deben­hams.

The grooms out­fits — where from Best Man in Sale.

Our wed­ding cake — was made by a friend Han­nah Nichol­son and it tasted amazing.

Our favours — where also made by our friend – She made a trio of mini cup­cakes fol­low­ing the wed­ding theme, and mini bis­cuits for the chil­dren.

My wed­ding dress was from Fairy­tale bride in Sale, thank you Gemma she was really help­ful and didn’t mind my many vis­its to try on the dress

Of course the venue — The Castle­field rooms and chefs at Albert shed.

I would like to say a huge thank you to all our friends and fam­ily who helped us make the day so special.

See more from Pamela and Andy’s wed­ding here on the Foley Pho­tog­ra­phy blog

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