Picture of Ba Ki-Moon, UN Secretary General, by Don’t Be Blind This Time, portraying the number of victims for whom UN experts indicate Rwanda could be responsible in front of a court.
African dictators come in different shades. The Rwandan President Paul Kagame is one of a kind.
He has been the strongman of the once genocide-ravaged country since 1994. 21 years have almost passed now.
He has stifled democracy in his country. When his senators and members of parliament reported back on national consultations on his 3rd term, this on Monday 10/08/15, they said that only 10 individuals opposed it. This can only be a laugthing matter.
The fear out of intimidation about expressing oneself in Rwanda on anything that contraries the regime in power is so enormous, that people decide instead to back anything thrown at them for public support. That is how that the almost ridiculous 100% record behind the 3rd term can find some explanation.
But luckily for Rwandans inside who oppose the 3rd term, they have found many voices among Kenyans through twitter, who are using the hashtag #SomeoneTellKagame to ask Kagame why he wants to spoil his legacy.
I’ve selected for the reader some of the interesting messages published with that hashtag:
Africa One Media @Africaonemedia #SomeoneTellKagame There Comes a Time When An individual Must Know A nation is Bigger Than Them #TheLateSaitoti
#KOT News @KOTNewsAt9 #SomeoneTellKagame He can live a lie but we know he is responsible for the #RwandaGenocide
mutai nelson @mtai_neslen #SomeoneTellKagame So if a non-performing president rules after @PaulKagame the law will be changed to one term only
#KOT News @KOTNewsAt9
#SomeoneTellKagame #RwandaGenocide main criminals are Paul Kagame, his allies in neighboring Uganda and in the US
Marisi N Perminas @PerminasMarisi
@jecwere,15 good years in power and yet he has “no one” to succeed him.#SomeoneTellKagame Bob Mugabe’s Zimbabwe was once towering in glory!
Chitayi Murabula @Dr_chitayi
When a dictator takes away freedom in exchange 4security, it’s not strange 2find citizens who strongly identify with him #SomeoneTellKagame
Geff Sure @Sir_Geff
Servants make a king. #SomeoneTellKagame
issa abass @issadinkhalid
Someone tells him that Rwanda doesnt belong to his mother #SomeoneTellKagame
Douglas M. @DouglasMango https://www.youtube.com/embed/ofq8u8wC4YU … President Kagame in 2011 said he doesn’t want to be President 2017, what changed #SomeoneTellKagame
Wakili @admiraltyger
he is one thing, A Dictator, period #SomeoneTellKagame
WeMynd @WeMynd #SomeoneTellKagame the constitution will only be changed for him since #Rwandese like him but the others to come will be limited.
Chitayi Murabula @Dr_chitayi Leaders who extend term limits have reached the unfortunate stage of megalomania #SomeoneTellKagame @ThirdwayKE @siasaplace @Maskani254
Reuben Mutema @K_Mutema
#SomeoneTellKagame him mentored by Mugabe, Yoweri and the late ‘patriot’ and ‘democrat’ Amin sth lethal is cooking. Nothing to smile about
Wakili @admiraltyger Then he has failed to nurture future leaders if 20 yrs later he still thinks only him can lead Rwanda, #SomeoneTellKagame
jeconia were @jecwere #SomeoneTellKagame @PaulKagame Rwanda bizness is ours too. We don’t want neighbours infecting our leaders with bad ideas
Chitayi Murabula @Dr_chitayi Dictatorship often kills the ability of people to imagine the possibility of a life without one mortal at the helm. #SomeoneTellKagame
#SomeoneTellKagame ‘Nobody should be President for life’ President Barack Obama | Africa One… http://dlvr.it/BptrpH