
Some Views in My Bright Colourful Walled Wintergarden!!

Posted on the 04 February 2014 by Sophies Foodie

You all loved my previous gardening posts in Spring & in full Summertime. I will show you my garden in Wintertime.We haven’t had any snow yet,…:) I have a walled garden & I see the garden, directly from my kitchen. I have several shrubs & flowers that are blooming in Wintertime. I will show you,…:)

The flowers of my Witch Hazelnut tree!

The flowers of my Witch Hazelnut tree!

My beautiful Red skimmia plant!

My beautiful Red skimmia plant!

A closer look at my red skimmia plant!

Lovely, is it not?

Lovely, is it not?

My beautiful shrub blooming wonderfully!

My 2 beautiful viburnums blooming wonderfully! After April, I have to prune them!

These 2 taller viburnum plants are the pride & joy of my walled wintergarden! Near Christmastime, the flowers are knobs & they are dark red in colour! After blooming, I have to trim these shrubs!

The flowers scent lovely too!

The flowers scent lovely too!

This plant is ready to bloom soon!

This plant is ready to bloom soon!

Lovely tiny bright yellow flowers!

Lovely tiny bright yellow flowers of my Winter Jasmine plant!!!

Bright green-yellow all winter long!

Bright green-yellow all winter long!

New flower plants come alive!

New flower plants come alive!

That was the guided tour for now, my gardening friends! I hope to see you back here when my garden is blooming further…I hope to see you very soon! :)

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1. My Late August garden update!

2. Home grown aubergine ( eggplants) plant & a recipe using them!

3. A 9th of July garden update!

4. A Spring time Garden Update!

5. A courgette update & a recipe using my own lemon thyme!

Filed under: Gardening
Some views in my bright colourful walled wintergarden!!

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