Lifestyle Magazine

Some Exciting News for My Indian Shoppers

By Saumya Shiohare @myriadmusings1
This is a sponsored post and I was compensated in full by the company that requested this post. 

As much as I love shopping for things, I love when I buy them availing coupons and discounts. As a self-proclaimed coupon queen  I would rather shop at retailers offering coupons and promotions than with none.  I confess getting suckered by these deals but that's just human nature- who doesn't like to save some greens ?
Now you would ask me- How do you keep track of the gazillion stores and their ceaseless promotions and deals ? Well, I have my own secret resources and channels......... duh !
Let me tell you it's no rocket science, just a few coupon-hosting sites that use science and technology to keep you up-to-date with the latest deals around town. One such site that I was introduced to and which now caters to the Indian  market is COUPON RANI, a one-stop-shop for all your deals and coupons needs.  So when they asked me to review their website, I jumped into it without a second thought for all the selfish reasons. I wanted you all to experience the sense of consumer satisfaction you get from shopping and saving your moolah at the same time. I have felt it and would love for you all to feel it. 
CouponRani is an online coupon-hosting website that allows the Indian shoppers an access to legitimate coupons to several online retailers like AmazonIndia, Firstcry, and Redbus to name a few. An added bonus they offer flight coupons and hotel deals as well. 
Time to time they run flash sales wherein they provide you with the links to steeply-discounted products featured in the flash sales.  One such promotion detail that caught my attention was the NIKON Coolpix S6500 16 MP point-and-shoot available at Amazon for Rs. 6499 ( retail price Rs.11950 ), a great deal I wouldn't have ever known of had I not registered to receive emails from COUPON RANI. Isn't that amazing- no crowded store visits, no scouring through racks for unbelievable deals, all money-saving information available at your fingertips and in the comfort of your own home ! 
There might be several other coupon-hosting websites but COUPON RANI has created a niche in this industry by delivering  tested coupons to consumer's mail-boxes daily or bi-weekly. They also boast a Chrome extension that enables you to use the coupons without leaving the shopping site.
So next time your mind craves some online retail-therapy, not to worry. Hang out in your pj's, sip on some steaming coffee, shop around to see what's  in store at  COUPON RANI and watch the magic of some real-time buck saving.  Trust me you gonna love it and will want to thank me for this.
So HAPPY SHOPPING  and thanks for your sweet time.
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