Fashion Magazine

Social Media Trends 2016

By Wickedying @wickedying


It all started with Medium, a new (?) social platform I signed up just recently. One thing I dig about it is the blogging-bookmarking-networking feature. I took my time reading its top stories and posts from suggested publications. Anyway, five or maybe ten articles later I thought about sharing my insights about social media too. Why not? I’m no expert but I have seen it evolve. Otherwise, I won’t be able to make a career in digital marketing for 5+ years.

Real-Time Goes Bigtime

Real-Time Video Streaming

Are you familiar with apps like Snapchat, Facebook Live, Twitter’s Periscope and the recently available-for-all YouTube Live? These sites took video to a whole new level this year!

While live-streaming can be a useful tool for some (eg. social media influencers, online personalities), real-time may not be applicable to every brand’s marketing approach.

Prioritizing Mobile

mobile internet users stats

The emergence of apps and on-the-go lifestyle being the norm makes it unsurprising that internet users spend more time browsing with smartphones than on desktops. It took over majority of traffic in some of the tech-savvy countries last year.

For corporate entities and e-businesses, a well-maintained website or app speaks volumes. Creating an impression and positive user experience will take more than just a few clicks or drag-and-drop options from a highly-skilled web developer/programmer.


  1. Custom Theme Design
  2. Functional Site Layout and Navigation
  3. Decent Page Speed
  4. Mobile Responsive
  5. Clean Optimized Codes

What were considered as bonus features then are now necessary if you want a dynamic web or app. These new indexation factors can yield better conversions and improvement in SERPs.

New Social Platforms and Rise of Other Digital Broadcast Media

digital media platforms

Whatever line of work or business, it’s worth creating an account on these sites. Being one of the pioneering users has its perks.

Podcasting and internet radio are back in the game. Recent survey shows the number of listeners up by 21% this year and increasing in a slow steady pace. Digital audio is currently in infancy stage. Limited resources and tools for gathering metric stats/analytics impose advertising challenges on both advertisers and publishers. It as an untapped market.

Apt for Startups

Apt for Startups

Having a guide or a blueprint effectively manages client’s resources within a specific time frame. I cannot stress how important it is even for startups. Well, especially for startups!

No businesses are one and the same so cookie-cutter plans for me are a no-no. This year alone, I think I made about 10 marketing strategies and business plans. Each one is different depending on the priority or the type of marketing it needs. More often than not, engagement and visibility are on top of my list. The way I see it, it’s just networking on a global scale. Unless it is a geo-targeted or location-specific type, worldwide is the unspoken default.

Ads Pay Off!

Online Ad Investment

This is where marketing plans come in handy. Once the target niche has been identified, the next best move is to invest on ad placements for audience reach. A small number of impressions from your target market is worth more than a thousand from random users.

Advertisers may not follow this principle when it comes to determining social media value but Quality > Quantity.

Content Marketing + Social Engagement

SMM Statistics

Marketing via social media relies heavily on being ‘social’ and by social I mean user engagement. While content is still king in the SEO realm, online influencers are now showing up in searches making them a valuable source for businesses who plan to expand their consumer reach. Research shows that a shopper’s buying decision is hugely determined by user reviews and blogger recommendations. Backed by recent data, this proves the symbiotic connection existing between SMM and SEO.



Social Media Examiner: Social Media Marketing Industry Report 2016
Sprout Social: Social Media Trends That Will Take Over 2016
Huffington Post: Social Media Trends to Watch
Search Engine Land: Is Responsive Design a Ranking Factor?
MOZ Learn SEO: Page Speed

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