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Maybe we can all learn from each other – so this blog post is to get you thinking, talking and sharing I hope. Have you got social media ‘right’ for your wedding business?
How do you know when you’re using social media well?
1. Networking, making connections & cross promotion with online industry contacts is bringing customers to your door
I see friendships developing on twitter between bloggers, wedding suppliers and photographers – they lead to some fantastic bridal shoots, and you get great product photography and brand associations for your website.
This is great, so long as the end result is real customers ordering from you. Otherwise it’s time wasted when you could be promoting your business elsewhere.
2. Potential customers and clients see your status updates and tweets and make enquiries
If your potential customers are using twitter and facebook, and you can reach them this way – brilliant.
I’d love to know how many brides and grooms use twitter for wedding research – from what I hear facebook is a better place for reaching brides and grooms.
Do you tweet about product launches, new designs, special offers? Do you get a good response from customers?
3. You’re spending a reasonable amount of time on social media which balances with what you’re earning (indirectly) from it
The top 100 wedding tweeters list shouldn’t be your goal if you’re a wedding supplier. Networking is great, but overdoing it won’t benefit your business.
I’m beginning to notice wedding suppliers using twitter very cleverly – infrequent and interesting updates are the way to go.
If you’re not getting business directly from social media but just want the industry to know your name, keep your tweets short and really, really good.
4. You’re learning important things from your twitter contacts
Keeping up to date with latest trends is a good use for social media. But you can do that quickly with a scan through a few top wedding blogs. Don’t use it as an excuse to live on twitter and facebook!Following the top guys in your game is a good move. Photographers post mysterious tweets about lenses and techniques.
Learning great tricks and tips is a valuable reason for twitter time. Even inspiration from designers you admire is really important.
5. Twitter and Facebook are helping you establish your expertise – and the right people are paying attention
If you’re seen as a source of inspiration it will help your brand image. Share a few secrets, help your competitors and younger wedding businesses.
If you can embed your twitter feed onto your website home page and it shows you’re helping and advising other wedding businesses, your potential customers will be more impressed.
Grab a pen and paper – what can your wedding business get from social media?
I spent 10 minutes writing a social media plan for my wedding calligraphy business. I’m going to stick it on the wall and try harder to get it right – with these guidelines. Thought I’d share!
Ask yourself:
- who should you network with for a good reason
- can you reach customers on social media? How?
- How much time you should really be investing
- who you can learn from (business, craft)
- where and why to share your expertise
It’s important not to get carried away and spend all your leisure time on twitter, doing “work”. Social media sites blur the boundaries between work / networking and friendships / socialising.
Whatever you’re doing on Twitter and Facebook, however much time you spend – just make sure it’s for the right reasons and getting the right results.