Books Magazine

So Much Wisdom In A Christmas Wish.

By Steph's Scribe @stephverni

AChristmasWishI get teased a lot because I’m a Hallmark Channel “junkie.” It doesn’t bother me at all, however, because it’s my one vice, and yet I find it’s typically a positive one.

My kids often watch the Hallmark movies with me, however, they know which one is their favorite. It’s called A Christmas Wish, and it’s pretty special. It’s about a single mom of three kids; two are by her estranged husband, and one child, Miles, whom she is raising, is not her biological son, but rather her husband’s son with another woman. However, she loves Miles as much as the other two. Yet, the dead-beat dad doesn’t really care too much about any of the kids. They have been left destitute, and after finding a small town that takes them in, the mother finds a job and attempts to pull their lives together.

This family has nothing.

My kids got a real shock to the system when they understood, at their now maturing ages, that some children don’t have much. I think they appreciated all they have, and comprehended that complaining about anything pales in comparison to what many other folks must endure, especially during the holidays.

In fact, earlier this evening, we went out to shop for our charitable Secret Santa gift. We were excited to buy things for an 11-year-old girl who needs much. We purchased two pairs of shoes for her, a winter coat, pants and a sweater, and a doll. I could see my children wanting to do right by her—wanting her to have a Christmas—and some special things to open this holiday.

Which now brings me to why I’ve selected dialog as this week’s Wednesday Wisdom. The scene that takes place between the mother in A Christmas Wish and her daughter goes like this as the daughter sits watching her mother sleep after working hard to make things better for them.


Daughter: It’ll be okay, Momma. God won’t forget us this Christmas.

Mom: No. No. Not you, but I think he gave up on me a long time ago.

Daughter: No, he doesn’t work like that. God makes you worry until you get some faith, and then you believe in him. See? Only you’ve got to pray.

Mom: I don’t think I’m very good at that.

Daughter: That’s the easy part, you don’t have to be. You just have to do it.

Mom: How did you get this smart?

Daughter: I’ve always been this way.

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