Gardening Magazine

So Many Things Can Happen in A Short Time!

By Lindsay James @leavelindzalone

It’s been awhile since I wrote anything last. You can thank my computer for that! It has been out of commission for the better part of the past two weeks. However, that issue has been resolved and we can get back to it!

I never much thought about how much can happen over a short span of time. I have now, and oh boy did a lot happen over the last couple of weeks! It’s going to take a little bit (ok, more than a little bit) of writing (and a few photos) to share it all. I guess now is as good a time as any…

1) All the stitches have been pulled on the vintage colt. I am feeling a bit of a sense of relief now and I think I will be ready to start over again very soon. I just hope it turns out better this time!


2) A friend and I went on an outing to Sparta – a small, historic village here in Southwestern Ontario. It caters to tourists these days and is well known for its candles: Sparta Country Candles. There isn’t a single person around here who hasn’t owned at least one! We toured about some antique shops and of course, we bought some candles! I always love getting new candles from Sparta!


3) My tomato plant is basically dead. There was a ridiculous heat wave and I over-watered and it led to waterlogged soil and it was just a big mess. I don’t want to talk about it. Year two of the fail-tomato.

4) I started a new Pixel People patter from Wee Little Stitches! I love the Pixel People patterns. They are so much fun to stitch! I am excited about this one though for its sheer general awesomeness. It’s going to be a 1st birthday gift for a friend’s little man so I can’t go into much detail as I know she reads my blog!

5) My lettuce has bolted and it looks like my lettuce season is over now. It fared much better than last year so I am happy!

6) My computer came close to death over these last few weeks.  I have a laptop, and I was noticing the trackpad was becoming difficult to use and it started to rock while it was sitting on a flat surface and obviously shouldn’t have been. As it turns out, all of these issues were due to a swollen battery, which as  most people know, can be very dangerous! I had to keep it unplugged and shut down until we were able to attend to it. The battery has now been replaced (as of last night) and I am back in business!

7) Jay officially survived his first full rotation of his (new-ish) fly-in fly-out job up north, and so did I. We are both happy he is home again for awhile.

And lastly (but certainly not least!):

8) I have had some relatives (my aunt, uncle and super adorable little cousin) in the province visiting from out west. It has been great to see them again! I will be sad to see them go as it will likely be a few years before we see them again. Flying in Canada is crazy expensive!

And there you have it: the major occurrences in my life over the past few weeks while I have been away from the blog. This of course DID NOT include my continuing to work my five days each week and taking care of the kitties and home. I have been a very busy (and slightly stressed out) person! I hope to be posting a bit more now that things seem to be coming back to together again (and my computer is safe to use once more).

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