So, my friend Rhys at work has a youtube channel... and we have been saying for months that we needed to make a video and I was quite scared because its YOUTUBE, and youtube is scary.BUT we did it, and it was really fun to film - feels weird that like three hours of footage went into 8 minutes of video but it was fun, and I was terrible at making balloon animals so that makes for pure comedy of course.also, until now, i hadn't realised how much of a resting bitch face I truly have, please know that if i'm not smiling i'm not mad, my face is just miserable naturally..... hahaha.doing this video has given me loads of confidence and I feel like I could make a video or two myself now, so thanks for that Rhys! enjoy the video, let me know what you think and subscribe to Rhys' channel NOW! muchos loveysabellexxxxxxx