I've been acting like a 4 year old on a sugar rampage with my friends Emily & Danni today. Ever since the snow landed in Huddersfield all I've wanted to do it make a snowman and take a walk up the hills surrounding Hudds.
Honestly though the walk was a nightmare.. Between tackling uneven ice steps, slippy paths & hills to get to the most amazing stretch of untouched snow - Totally worth it though.
When we finally got up there we started building an igloo but after a few hours we decided it was too big of task & decided to make a snow fort instead!
The fort ended up being a bout knee height (but realllly wide... slight miscalculation of size in the beginning) and after a while the cold set in so we decided to cut our losses. Fort Snow-alot was demolished & formed into Steve the snowman!
Between all this indecisiveness from me & Emily, Danni had gone for an explore & found a homemade sledge too!! So we killed a few minutes sliding down the hills on a carpet lined bobsled
- Winner!
Today was amazing, I felt like a kid again & the girls really made the day one to remember, we haven't stopped laughing all afternoon.
Not to mention they both entertained me falling over... LOTS!
Have you had a snow day yet?Or have you ever tried to make an igloo?