Once I was back home, there was one reason I desperately wanted to go back to Maastricht. This reason was snow. When it snows in Romania, well.. it snows heavily, meaning that if it snows for a few days you automatically have 1,5 m of snow on the roads and everywhere. This makes dressing up in the morning a huge drawback. Well a couple of days after I landed in The Netherlands unfortunately it began to snow so as you can see if you scroll down that means layers upon layers of clothes, beanies and scarfs all together. In a desperate attempt to check out the sales in shops I dressed up like this: Zara jacket, pants (similar) and sweater, H&M beanie (similar), C&A leather gloves, vintage denim shirt (similar), Ash sneakers (similar) and random bag. Everything else aside, huge thanks for letting me know that you like new name! And let me know what you purchased from sales and from where! x