Lifestyle Magazine

Sneak Peek! Rosie and Chris’s Beautiful Vintage Wedding at Layer Marney Tower

By Claire

Layer Mar­ney Tower is a pretty spec­tac­u­lar venue. There’s much more to see on the main blog fea­ture — Rosie & Chris’s wedding

Layer Marney wedding photography by Lightworks (2)

Beau­ti­ful brides­maids and the stun­ning Layer Mar­ney Tower. Pho­tog­ra­phy by Lightworks

See more! Rosie and Chris’s Layer Mar­ney Tower wed­ding by Andrew Hind of Light­works Pho­tog­ra­phy Cam­bridge — Rosie looks incred­i­ble in a lace trimmed wed­ding dress, and doesn’t stop smil­ing all day! Chris is her hand­some groom, and there are some really lovely images to inspire you. The brides­maids with indi­vid­ual signs… “just wait till you see her” — are brilliant!

Claire x

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