Family Magazine

Smile! It’s Still Possible To Get Perfect White Teeth

By Lamamma @LAmamma1


No matter how bad a state your teeth are in, it’s always possible to reclaim that white smile. Here are just a few solutions that could be worth trying out.

Upgrade your toothpaste

Regular toothpaste may not be doing the trick. There are a number of specialist whitening toothpastes on the market such as Opalescence Whitening Toothpaste, which you may find has more of an effect. These toothpaste may have added fluoride or added hydrogen peroxide (which is used in professional tooth whitening treatments). There are also a number of other whitening products out there such as whitening gums and whitening strips and even special polishing toothbrushes. Always read user reviews online before buying these products as some can be expensive and not always effective as they make out on the packaging.

Try some DIY dental treatments

You can supplement your toothbrushing regime with a number of other DIY dental treatments. An example of this is activated charcoal. Whilst the idea of putting charcoal on your teeth might not sound effective, it’s actually a proven tooth whitener that gets rid of staining particulates (there are products such as Procoal for those that don’t want to make their own messy solution). Simply brush this over your teeth as you would with toothpaste, before then doing a normal toothbrush to get rid of the charcoal. Oil pulling is another method of DIY whitening which has seen similar results. This involves rinsing a household oil (such as olive oil or coconut oil) around your mouth for fifteen minutes. This picks up all the staining plaque and keeps your teeth cleaner.

Get your teeth professionally whitened

For those that feel their teeth are beyond these pastes and home treatments, there is always the option of professional whitening. You’ll generally have to visit a specialist tooth whitening clinic for this, although some dental surgeries such as SouthView Dentistry may be able to do procedures such as fitting veneers and fillings. The most expensive procedure is laser whitening, which involves putting a peroxide solution on the teeth which is then activated with a laser, stripping away the stained layer of enamel. Expect to have sensitive teeth after any procedure.

Watch what you put in your mouth

Whist trying any of these methods, it’s still important to watch what you’re putting into your mouth as this could risk undoing all your hard work. Sugar, coffee, alcohol and smoking are the four big tooth staining culprits that you’ll want to cut down on. In some cases, there are options for combating this staining such as opting for sugar-free soft drinks or using special gums and toothpastes for smokers such as Clinomyn. After smoking or consuming any of these staining culprits, make sure that you do brush thoroughly. If you’ve had laser whitening treatment done, you should especially take care, as your enamel will be weaker and therefore more susceptible to damage.

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