This past summer, I, along with about 150 other artists in Sonoma County, participated in an annual Open Studios event.
It was a first for me, and although it was a lot of fun, and I sold several pieces of my work, I have to say, it was a lot work getting ready for it and at the end of each of the 4 days we were open, I was exhausted. But I met some new friends, and saw some old ones, and all in all it was a good success.
In preparing for the event, I made several new art pieces, some have already been posted on this blog, you can see them here, here, here and here. There are a few others that haven't been posted yet, as I am still trying to play catch-up.
The pieces shown here are small assemblages I made especially for the show. I actually made a total of 10 smalls, but with everything going on before the event, I failed to photograph them, and a few were sold on the first day of open studios.
So this is all I can show you from this series. Ceramic doll hands, legs and heads are mounted on to scrap pieces of wood covered in papers and tissues. A few embellishments were added just or fun.