Hair & Beauty Magazine

Skincare Saviours from T-Zone

By Behindtheseclosedeyes @theseclosedeyes
"It's better to prevent spots rather than having to treat them".
Skincare saviours from T-Zone

T-Zone is an affordable skincare brand I've already raved about quite a bit but I'm back today with two of their products that I just can't seem to go without these days. The whole range is formulated to treat breakouts and pores with the help of tea tree oil and I have to say that I've been impressed with everything that I've tried from the brand. I'm already a massive fan of their Spot Zapping stick which is amazing for drying up and treating breakout areas, and also the makeup removing wipes which were good for a quick freshen up or makeup removal before my skin cleansing routine. The 2 skincare saviours I'm bringing you today are the Clear Out Nose Pore Strips and the Blackhead Fighting Facial Scrub.

I've already mentioned the Clear Out Nose Pore Strips in a recent empties post (here) but had to include them here as they really have become a staple skincare product for me. Every week I like to have a proper skin pamper and this is when the pore strips come out to rid my pores of blackheads and other bits of dirt. All you need to do is take the strip out of its wrapper, splash your nose with water and then apply the dry strip over your wet nose, making sure you press it into place. After about 10 minutes the strip will feel as though it has dried onto your skin and after that all that's left to do is the fun part.. pulling it off. It's going to sound horrible but there seems to be nothing more satisfying than pulling off one of these strips and looking at what has been pulled out of your pores. On the one hand it's horrible to see how much dirt and grease has been sinking into your pores, but on the other it's amazing to see how quickly this can all be removed! These pore strips are a total bargain at just £1.50 for 6 strips and I'm sure you can find them in stores like Semi Chem, Home Bargains and Savers.

The second product is the Blackhead Fighting Facial Scrub which really just does what it says on the tin! This tea tree scrub is great for cleaning out your pores, albeit not as thorough as the pore strips are, but still does the job of keeping breakouts at bay by unblocking your pores of dirt or oil. The scrub itself is full of little exfoliating beads which aren't too harsh on the skin but still manage to give your skin and pores a good clear out. All you need to do is apply a bit of the scrub after wetting your face and then massage the beads into your skin, concentrating on any bad breakout areas or blocked pores (blackheads are a particular problem for my nose and chin). Then all you need to do is rinse off the scrub with warm water and you're left with soft and clean skin. I'd recommend using a scrub like this a few times a week to make sure your pores are kept unclogged but also to be careful as too much exfoliation can irritate the skin. The facial scrub also costs around £1.50 and should be available in Semi Chem, Home Bargains and Savers.

Have you tried anything from T-Zone?

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