What happens when Spafinder.com, Mariel Hemingway, and wellness get together? A whole week of exciting events and discounted treatments/classes at spas, yoga studios, and wellness centers everywhere. I was very fortunate to be asked by the lifestyle magazine The Daily Basics to cover the week by posting a series of articles on skin care practices as they relate to wellness. I have linked below to each post so you can explore how to improve the wellness of your skin.
The Daily Basics for Great skin

The industry I work in is astonishing—there is so much skin care information it can become overwhelming and confusing. If you did every single thing I write about, your daily skin care routine would take about 23 hours of your time, and your skin would not …more.
Is exercise critical for your skin’s wellness?

Your skin is an organ, its intended purpose is to act as the first line of defense for all of your other organs and systems, and to serve as a container to keep everything inside where it should be. When your body feels threatened, a whole host of activity occurs internally…more.

5 Anti-Aging, Wrinkle Fighting Foods
When seeking wellness for your skin health and appearance, you cannot neglect the importance of the foods you eat. The following five foods are brilliant supporters…more

Want Gorgeous Skin? Go Back to Bed!
When our body is healthy, it tells us what we need to keep it healthy. Sometimes we get a headache because our body is dehydrated and requires water. When we yawn it is because our brain detects too much carbon dioxide…more.

10 Top Tips to Great Skin
The end of Wellness Week 2012 - The beginning of great skin! If you have been following this series all week, and you have put any of the information into practice, then you are…more.