Outdoors Magazine

Skiing on a Dry Slope

By Simplypiste @simplypiste

Never been skiing before and not sure where to begin? Try dry slope skiing. Heading to your local dry ski slope is a great way to try out your moves before you do it for real on holiday.

If you have been skiing before, either on real snow slopes or abroad on holiday, you may find the dry ski slopes a little un-inspirational. Of course, you’re not surrounded by the beautiful scenery of the Alps but who cares! If you need to practice, this is a much cheaper alternative than booking hotels and flights to your favorite mountains.


Dry ski slopes are great for anyone who has never skied before. Learning the basic moves when you are on holiday unfortunately means that you are spending less time skiing and more time learning.

However, if you can take regular lessons at your nearest dry ski slopes before you get off on your winter holiday, you already have some basic techniques which can be transferred over to the ski slopes. This way you can make the most of your skiing holiday.


Prepare your Body

Skiing can be fairly exhausting. Your body is permanently in a slightly squatted position so most of the tension is in your legs. People that go skiing without training their bodies up first commonly complain of aches and pains in their thighs, knees, and calf muscles.

As you use your ski poles to sometimes help with balance and turning, your arms and shoulders too can ache after a good skiing session. Now, although skiing is a great exercise as well as being fun, training up your body before you hit the slopes is a great way of being able to spend more time skiing and perfect your technique.

By visiting dry ski slopes before your skiing holiday, you can get your muscles used to moving in a certain way, improve your fitness, and at the same time practice your technique.


Very few people in the UK have access to snow, so if you want to do any of your skiing before your holiday, dry slopes are the easy alternative. Most classes at dry ski slopes also offer great courses that teach you the basics of skiing. With these you usually don’t need your own equipment – you just need to wear warm and protective gear. This is a great way of practicing without having to travel thousands of miles!



Although you may think that private lessons priced at an average of between £50 and £100 per hour is quite expensive, it is actually a cheaper alternative to booking your holiday, the hotel and all the extras, then putting skiing lessons on top of that. Group ski lessons are often cheaper than this still and are suitable for all ages.

Build Up Confidence

Not only great for your body, dry ski slopes are great for your mind too – practicing your technique helps you build up your confidence and once you get to the real snow slopes you’ll find it so much easier!

To find your nearest dry ski slope, Ski Club have a great map of all the centres in the UK which you can find here. Have you ever tried dry ski slopes? Are there any dry slope centres that you would recommend.

Images via BigStock and Wikipedia

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