Irrespective of whether you are in the process of losing the extra calories with the help of a cutting edge diet, or pills or, you have already been successful in reaching the desired milestone of weight, the below given ways are tailor made just for you.
No.6. Get cautious of the sources of ‘hidden calories’. Always remember that many a time’s the processed ‘diet’ food comes full of calories.
No.5. Manage the craving for chocolate by consuming pure cocoa. It not only satisfies the appetite better but also generates more amount of serotonin which is called the ‘feel good’ chemical.
An apt means of substituting chocolate can be a pudding baked of chocolate with brown rice, pure cocoa, some brown sugar, vanilla essence, and cinnamon.
No.4. In the market full of candies, cookie, and chocolates, you often tend to forget amount the sweet content of the fruits. Try consuming more amounts of raw sweet fruits and spot the difference in weight.
No.3. If consuming raw fruits does not seem appealing enough; process it in a savoury manner. Cut it in to pieces, sauté it in the saucepan for some time with water till it becomes soft. Now put some brown sugar, vanilla flavour, or cinnamon and keep the mixture in the fridge so as to consume it either hot or cold.
Try having this mixture went to want to satisfy your sweet tooth. Preserving this mixture in plastic containers gives you a scope to use it at work when you are hungry.
No.2. Try to avoid having concentrated fruit juices or even sodas as these keep you addicted to sweet food.
No.1. Switch to drinking the combination of fat burning teas which are produced from the plant Camellia Sinensis. These are Green tea, Oolong tea, White Tea, and Pu-erh tea.
These are rich in catechin and thus help in inducing thermogenesis or fat burning process within the body.
A good amount of research has been done on these teas even by the U.S. Department of Agriculture so as to certify their calorie burning and appetite reducing abilities.
An Effective Team
Below are some brief descriptions of what the weight reducing teas do so as to bring the stark difference in the fat levels of the body.
- Green tea – The thermogenic action which it starts in the body increases the speed of metabolism and thereby burns calories in to useful energy in a natural, healthy and safe way.
- White tea – It helps in breaking the fatty cells in the body and also stop the process of generation of new fatty cells
- Pu-erh tea – It improves the digestive system and flushes out the useless fluid of the body. It also generates a sensation the stomach being full.
- Oolong tea – It reduces the craving for food, burns fat and reinstalls freshness with its flavour.
Synergy – Increases Potency x10
The above benefits of the individual teas tend to rise about 10 times when all of them are merged together. This powerful blend is also referred to as the synergetic blend.
It takes much less time to make people slimmer in a natural, healthy and safe way. The biggest benefit of use is that you need not indulge yourself in to regular exercises or even cut down on the food.
Enjoy the New Slim Life!
Do not sit and ponder any further. Get rid of your extra inches with the help of the synergetic tea and remain slim for the rest of your life.
Kou tea is a good choice for getting the best mix of Green, white, pu-erh, and oolong tea. It comes with a delicious aroma and a soft flavour with a tinge of honey.
(Also refer to: Study on Oolong tea’s thermogenic capacity carried out by Physiologist W. Rumpler of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, at the Beltsville Human Nutrition Research Center, Maryland
For more information about the benefits of synergy see: Green tea and thermogenesis: interactions between catechin-polyphenols, caffeine and sympathetic activity. “Such a synergistic interaction between catechin-polyphenols . . . to augment and prolong sympathetic stimulation of thermogenesis could be of value in assisting the management of obesity.” International Journal of Obesity (2000) 24, 252258)