I always feel a little anxious starting off a post talking about the weather, but living in the UK sometimes it has to be done! Monday was wet, cold and miserable and 4 days later we had the hottest day this year. If I can’t cope with the sudden fluctuations of temperature, is it any wonder that our plants suffer. Today is the first day of August and the temperature is a lot more comfortable, with lots of sunny days ahead if the weather forecast is anything to go by, which frequently it is not.
It’s Six on Saturday again. Here are my Six:
1. Lewisia ‘Elise’

I love this little plant, it has such a very pretty delicate flower. It is supposed to be an evergreen, but I have never been able to nurture Lewisia through a winter. I have tried growing it in all the recommended places and always end up buying a new plant every year. Maybe I’ll be lucky this year, you never know.
2. Gazania

Before lockdown, I bought a tray of tiny Gazania plug plants that had been reduced because they looked dead! There is not a lot more that can be said about them, their colours says it all. They clash wonderfully with the pink petunias in a neighbouring container, producing a riot of patio colours.
3. Ipomoea ‘Cardinal Climber’ and ‘Spanish Flag‘

These were late to the garden party. I was having a tidy up and found a half used packet of mixed climbers from 2018. As an experiment rather than throw them away (they were out of date) I threw a few into a pot. The Spanish Flag took off first but is yet to show any sign of flowers, but the Cardinal has a flowers so I am happy with that.
4. Solanum ‘Winter Cherry’ / ‘Jerusalem Cherry’

I bought this a couple of years ago for its bright orange berries to plant up as a winter display. Gradually over time it became quite straggly, with long bare stems and only leaves at the top. Earlier this year, I cut it right down, repotted it, and tucked it into the ICU section of plants. Well, look at it now! It’s lush and burgeoning with flowers and berries. It’ll look marvelous in the winter displays this year. Goes to prove every plant does need a stay of execution.
5. Liatris Spicata
I’m not sure if these are late to flower or doing what Liatris does. I haven’t grown them before and planted some in the main flowerbed, with a few in a container which has now been tucked in amongst plants in the border. They are getting taller and taller with the pink flowers only appearing in the last few days.
6. Chandos Beauty Rose

Last week I noticed that something was eating the buds, leaves and petals of this bloom which was just opening. Then I found the culprit – a bright green bug about 10cms in size. I ran a search and according to many sites, including the RHS, I think I have identified it as a Green Shieldbug/Stink bug. There only seems to be one at a time, so not an infestation, I remove them as I see them and have sprayed the rose with an organic soap mixture. It has recovered and there are a few new buds which I’m keeping an eye on.
Six on Saturday is a weekly meme hosted byThe Propagator. Lots of people contribute to it so please hop over to his blog and take a look at what is growing in his garden and other gardens around the country and even abroad.
P.S. I have deactivated my Twitter account and using Instagram instead. If you want to follow me there it’ll be lovely to see you. You can find me at @hurtledto60.