As human beings, we have been taught since our early childhood very different things, supposedly to get the best of us and be part of the human society. But we all know that the education we receive in school, college and other educative institutions, and even the education we receive in our family, is not enough to develop ourselves as persons. We all need more. We all need to continue with our education, to go on with our personal development.
Recently, I was invited to a talk when one of the participants talked about the importance of taking care of our personal development. It came to my mind that this is probably the best investment we can do in our lives. We can develop some habits to keep on investing in our personal development. I can resume them in the following six:
1. The habit of listening: The `what-is-out-there´ habit. Be aware of what it is being said. Note what seems to be important. Wake up your curiosity!
2. The habit of studying: The `what-is-this-thing-about´ habit. Observe and dedicate regular time to feed your mind with good content. Study it, take notes, memorize, write about it…
3. The habit of learning: The `apply-it-to-your-life´habit. It is different from the habit of studying. It is one step further than trying to know what is this stuff about´. It is the `what does this means for me´step. When you learn something you analyze it and try to apply to your life. It implies a reflection not on the stuff that you studied, but on the relation of that stuff with your personal circumstances.
4. The habit of practicing: Once you decided the place that what you have learned must occupy, it´s time for the habit of taking action, one time after another.
“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.”
5. The habit of mastering: Once you have acquired the habit of practicing-repetition, develop the habit of dominating an aspect. This means the to try to make it even better than the last repetition. Dominate an aspect of your life and keep on on the highest point to master it. Never have enough!
“Repetition is the mother of all skill.”
(Anthony Robbins)
6. The habit of teaching: one of the most satisfactory habits when you know something that you believe that has extraordinary value for others. Share this value, inspire others and make your life achieve greater value by giving to others. Besides, when you teach something, you are repeating the all other habits mentioned before!
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