
Six Causes Of Hairloss In Women

Posted on the 12 October 2018 by Jdymisster @jdymisster

Six Causes Of Hairloss In Women

hair loss in women causes

The American Academy of Dermatology says that 80 million men and women have hereditary hair loss. According to Wendy Roberts, a dermatologist, like a normal garden, normal hair cycle should lead to a new growth after its loss.
Illness, medication, chemicals and infections can cause hair loss as they sometimes make the hair not to grow.  A diet without proteins, iron, and other nutrients can lead to thinning of hair thus making the hair susceptible to breakage.
Here are the common causes of hair loss

1. Genetics

Most women have a female pattern hair loss while others are affected by androgenetic alopecia which is a hereditary condition and the most common cause of hair loss.
A normal hair growth cycle includes shedding of the hair follicles then resting a stimulation of new growth of hairs.
Those with androgenetic alopecia, often, their hair grows back thinner and fine
According to Pamela Jakubowicz, a dermatologist at Montefiore Medical Centre in New York City, the symptoms includes developing thinning at the hairline behind the bangs.
Usually, the condition starts slowly and to some people it may start as early as in 20s while others in late 40s.

2. Medical conditions and hormonal changes

There are medical conditions that cause hair loss. They include thyroid disease, alopecia aureate and scalp infections like ringworms.
Diseases which cause scarring like the lichen planus may result in a permanent hair loss due to scarring.
Hair loss can also be due to medications administered to treat high blood pressure, depression, arthritis, and cancer as well as heart problems.
The hormonal changes are as a result of pregnancies and menopause and can cause hair fall.

3. Physical stress and over-styling

Some hairstyles put pressure on the follicles whereby they pull the hair back very tightly.
Too much shampoo, dyeing, heating (blow-drying), chemical relaxers and hot oil treatments also damage hair roots and leads to breaking and falling out of the hair.
It is advisable to avoid using appliances that over heat the hair, setting the hair on cool and low settings and minimizing use of flat irons.

4. Dramatic weight loss

Usually, the body perceives a sudden weight loss due to physical trauma. The shock absorbed by the body causes hair loss. This is common among people suffering from bulimia.

5. Skin Conditions of the scalp

Unhealthy scalps cause inflammation and make it difficult for hair to grow. The conditions that lead to unhealthy scalps are dandruffs, psoriasis and fungal infections such as ringworms.

6. Nutrient deficiency

Lack of some nutrients impact heavily on hair growth. Iron deficiency anaemia causes extreme fatigue, weakness, and pale skin.
Anaemic people are likely to suffer massive hair loss, therefore women who get heavy periods are advised to take foods rich in iron.

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