Dear Readers:
I’m judging for SIP! McMinnville 2018

That’s right! On January 20th I’ll be in McMinnville, Oregon to help judge Gold, Silver, Bronze and Best-in-Show wine medalists for the 25th Annual SIP! McMinnville Wine & Food Classic.
Scheduled for March 9,10 & 11 2018 at the Evergreen Space Museum in McMinnville, OR., SIP! McMinnville features over 170 artisan wine, brews, spirits, food and crafts under one roof. Funds raised benefit McMinnville’s St. James School for children’s school programs.
“It’s a great festival,” said Rich Washburn, Vice-President of Eola Hills Wine Cellars, a long-time Classic exhibitor. “We get a lot of wine-savvy customers who come not only from across the state, but from across the country. It’s a great way to spend a day or more.”
For information and to order tickets online, go to
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