Entertainment Magazine

Single Releases: Go Fiasco & The Jackobins. Two Liverpool Bands, One Mission: the Creation of Moody and Passionate, Tense and Thrilling Musical Bravado

Posted on the 22 June 2015 by Vanessa Holthausen @NessiHolt

Master Crime 

Single Releases: Go Fiasco & The Jackobins. Two liverpool bands, one mission: the creation of moody and passionate, tense and thrilling musical bravado

Briskly absorbing and passionately looming tonal reverb takes more concrete, sonorous shape in deep, vigorous bass tonality supported by a fulminant, vividly clangorous drum pulse. Stormily impulsive, edgy vocals of gripping, arcane gloom mesmerize while tensely staggering and hazily blurred out riffage provides 'Master Crimewith  a vibrantly seizing psychedelic style, reflected likewise in the song's spirited and vivaciously melodious groove, erupting at last in a heady, dashing instrumental final that fades out atmospherically fleeting. Go Fiasco's recently released single though is one to linger, hence don't commit a musical crime and elude its urgently opaque and insistently fervent vibe

Single Releases: Go Fiasco & The Jackobins. Two liverpool bands, one mission: the creation of moody and passionate, tense and thrilling musical bravado

Go Fiascopop gloom from liverpool par exellence

Reach out & listen to Go Fiasco on ...

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Waiting On The Sun 

A moody and dizzy tonal atmosphere is created as ludically swirling and obscure key-synth gravity merges with suspense-laden cymbal volatility; The Jackobins' latest infectiously nebulous offering 'Waiting On The Sun' drifts in a hypnotic, gloomy and exciting instrumental fashion, gains dense melodic momentum, sonically swirling flair while fuzzy and intensely thrilling riffage flares and flashes eccentrically, invitingly luring nonetheless. Ardent, powerful vocal sovereignty controls a dimly droning and boldly accentuated drum rhythm, it is the composition's tenebrous and fluttery, dramatically turbulent musical undercurrent, however, that captures for good
Single Releases: Go Fiasco & The Jackobins. Two liverpool bands, one mission: the creation of moody and passionate, tense and thrilling musical bravado
Single Releases: Go Fiasco & The Jackobins. Two liverpool bands, one mission: the creation of moody and passionate, tense and thrilling musical bravado
With triumphant critical acclaim from radio stations all over the UK for debut EP 'Ghosts' in late 2014 and a strong online following, bearing also in mind that despite being quite new to the scene of music-making, the liverpool five-piece radiates winning confidence already, sends off a darkly elusive and hauntingly commanding sound, there is not much doubt the mysterious alt-rock outfit will make a striking music mark eventually. Your chance to witness The Jackobins' victorious rise in the early years of being a band is still concrete, take it and see them at the single launch show for 'Waiting On The Sun' at The Magnet in liverpool on the 3rd of july (Cal Ruddy and The Haze are on the bill too). And let's put it straight here, you should neither wait to purchase the dynamically enigmatic and suspensefully thrilling song when it's out - mark june 30th on your calendar - nor to catch The Jackobins live while you can enjoy them playing 'smaller' venues still. 

Single Releases: Go Fiasco & The Jackobins. Two liverpool bands, one mission: the creation of moody and passionate, tense and thrilling musical bravado

(f.l.t.r.) Marc Terry (drums), Chris Marriott (bass),
 Dominic Bassnett (vocals), John Whittingham (keys),
Veso Mihaylov (guitar)

Reach out & listen to The Jackobins on ...

.. twitter ..... facebook ..... the band's official website ..... soundcloud ...

You can't attend The Jackobins' single release party on July 3rd? Fear not, they are on tour until the end of august still!
Single Releases: Go Fiasco & The Jackobins. Two liverpool bands, one mission: the creation of moody and passionate, tense and thrilling musical bravado

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