Fashion Magazine

Simplify Your Destination Wedding

By Starring Sue Starring Sue @starringsue

Simplify Your Destination Wedding

As you may know, I am planning a destination wedding. C & I are slowly, but surely starting to think of all the things we will need for the wedding. Mind you, we don’t want anything big. We want to keep it small and intimate. So far, here are 5 Important Steps I have learned when it comes to planning your destination wedding.

1. Plan ahead of time…

Now, I am not only referring to giving yourself enough time to plan, but make sure to tell your family and friends ahead of time. C & I had an engagement party with all the important people in our lives and made sure to mention that we would be getting married in Peru. At that time we didn’t know the year, month, or date, but now that we kind of have an idea, we have been keeping people in the loop. Of course, as we secure the venue, we will send save-the-date cards with details.

2. Get to know the area…

Luckily for us, we are somewhat familiar with the area of our destination wedding. We also have friends who are giving us the 411 on the best vendors, and our parents are also referring vendors. It is important to have your top venues, hair & makeup, photographer, etc., before your first trip, so you save time. C & I will be traveling soon in order to get a better idea of the vendors we will be selecting.

3. Keep your guest in mind…

The date we are thinking of is based on what may work for our guest and their teens, but we are also trying to adjust it with seasonal low airfare. It is quite difficult, but we are trying our best. Nevertheless, you need to look for hotel deals, accommodations in a family home, or any sort of package deals you may get for your guests.

4. Don’t pay everything in full…

Sometimes in order to move on, we want to pay everything in full and get rid of the bill. However, I would highly suggest paying a certain percentage down, until you have everything settled in stone, and you feel you can fully trust the vendor you will be working with. Not only that, but sometimes we tend to find a better vendor, and it’s better to lose a low percentage of the money (such as $100), than having to stick with the vendor because you already paid in full.

5. Arrive early…

Make sure to arrive at least a week before your wedding. C & I are planning to do this. It’s always better to make sure everything is going as planned, than just being surprised and you end up hating yourself for not paying attention to detail. Although I must admit, I secretly wish my mama was planning everything like my Quinceañera.

There is so much to do, but I look forward to every step. It is an amazing journey! I’ll be sharing details as I go :)


Simplify Your Destination Wedding

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By Unik
posted on 10 July at 09:46
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Very simples but meaningful suggestions... also if you are looking to plan your wedding in Italy, Switzerland or France and you want a unique entertainment and great musicians to play your favorite songs please feel free to visit our website!