Business Magazine

Simple Tips to a Job Interview

Posted on the 19 February 2012 by Hreric @myhreric


Before going to the interview, make a research about the company.  Nowadays, it is easy to do research with the use of the internet.  Visit their website and research about the company profile.  The profile includes the history of the company, their philosophy,  the products they sell, their market, their locations, their business partners.

In addition, research on the nature of the job you are applying.  Most recruiters will ask you if you have any idea about the job you are applying. If you don’t have any work experience, it will be an added advantage if do research in advance. 


Research also some common interview questions and then formulate your answer. Most often, you will be asked questions like:

  • Tell me something about yourself. Don’t tell them your biography, its all in your resume.  And they know all of it.  Tell them something about your skills that will be beneficial if they hire you for the job
  • What are your strengths and weaknesses?  Focus your strengths on what is needed on the job you are applying.  As for your weaknesses, don’t tell them that you don’t have any just to impress the interviewer.  Rather, tell them about a quality of yours that can be further enhanced. 
  • What are your long term and short term plans? Tell them an honest and feasible answer.  Perhaps landing a job as your short term and them being promoted in that job as your long term.

Once you have the answer to some questions you had researched, practice.  Say out loud your answers.  Face the mirror so you can see your face while practicing.


From Google images
During the interview make sure you dress up properly. Make a first impression by dressing up smartly.  You are what you wear as they say.  It speaks so much about the kind of person you are.  So prepare something that will make look you good, it doesn’t have to be branded or new. Ideally, it is safe to wear dark-colored and conservative attire for both men and women.  Make sure it is well pressed and very presentable.  Carry your dress properly.  Make sure you don’t slouch.  Practice wearing it.  Make sure your hair is well combed.  For men, make sure your hair is not long. Don’t wear too much jewelries or perfume.  Men should not wear earrings. The one thing you should always bear in mind when it comes to power dressing is that it should always display professionalism.  For women, wear a light make up and lipstick.  Do not appear pale or lifeless during an interview.


Include in research the location of the job interview.  Most applicants who were late for an interview said they got lost or they were caught in traffic.  It is not an excuse for being late.  As an applicant, it reflects your attitude towards punctuality and time management.

If ever for some valid reasons you will be late or can’t make it to the interview, call the Recruitment in-charge. 


Show confidence in the way you carry yourself.  Upon entering the interview room, walk properly, heads up, chest out and again don’t slouch.  When your name is called, stand up nicely and walk calmly towards the interviewer.  You are already being gauge from the time you enter the room until the time you walk out after the interview.  Speak slowly and clearly when answering questions. 

Always maintain an eye contact.  It is a sign of confidence, sincerity and eagerness towards the interviewer. 


Usually towards the end of the interview, you will be asked if you have some questions or some clarifications.  Now its time to ask them what you have prepared in advance during your research.  You might want to ask them what they are looking for in the particular applicant and how they fit for the job.  With their answer, you can sell yourself by telling them that you possess the qualities that they are looking for.  Don’t ask them about salaries and how much they are willing to offer.  Its too early yet.  Reserve that during the final interview.  You can also ask them the time frame that you will have to wait regarding the status of your application.


Always make your conversation positive.  Refrain from making  negative comments about your previous jobs or employers.  In addition, don’t make too much complain about work related matters or regarding job responsibilities.


Image from
Once the interview is done, thank the interviewer for giving you the opportunity to sell yourself.  If the interviewer offers a handshake, make sure that your handgrip is not too tight or too loose. You will be able to anticipate that the interviewer will be offering a handshake, make sure your hand is not wet.

The above tips are your guide on how to prepare for that big event.  It is up to you on how you are going to use it make it to your advantage.  Of course it is not all conclusive that it will work out for you, after all you know better yourself.  You might want to add some more strategies.  Again it is still all up to you.

 Goodluck for that big day!



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