Lifestyle Magazine

{Shrimp & Pineapple Kabobs)

By Whimofthesouth
{Shrimp & Pineapple Kabobs)

Spring is the perfect time to test out your seafood recipe skills.These Shrimp & Pineapple Kabobs were a hit with a date night with James (I mean he REALLY loved them.)They aren't just your average garlic shrimp masterpiece either.Here's how to make them:You'll Need:-1 lb of shrimp or more (depending on how much you want to make and who you are cooking for) -Bamboo skewers-Garlic-Seasoning Salt-Onion Powder-Olive Oil-Black PepperThis is SUPER simple to do.Now:-In a skillet or frying pan, put the shrimp in olive oil until cooked.-Now sauté in olive oil, adding garlic generously-Once the garlic and shrimp have time to simmer together (about 4 minutes)-Sprinkle a LITTLE bit of onion powder evenly over the shrimp-Do the same with seasoning salt and black pepperNow that they are cooked, put them asideNext you'll need to cook the pineapple.Pro Tip: I didn't cook mine for long at all because I wanted a fresher taste.-Using another pan, put the pineapple in and add a tiny bit of garlic. -Once you can see some of the pineapple juice start to show, take it off the heat. -Now using the skewers, alternating, shrimp then pineapple, then shrimp...put three of each on the skewer (this will be a little messy.) Viola! Once this is done, it will be ready to serve at the perfect temperature! Enjoy! xoBCC

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