Social Media Magazine

Should I Use Periscope for My Small Business?

Posted on the 01 September 2015 by Jureklepic @jkcallas

Consumer technology is moving so quickly that it seems as soon small business owners master the latest, greatest thing, there is another one that outdates it. One of 2015’s biggest trends on social media and video viewing is Periscope, the live-streaming broadcast tool that is owned by Twitter. Everyone from Tyra Banks to Arnold Schwarzenegger has a Periscope account – but what about small businesses? Is Periscope a tool that is really necessary or helpful? Let’s take a closer look.

What is Periscope anyway?

Periscope is a mobile application that is completely free for Android and iPhone users. With the push of a button, you can record live “broadcasts” that any other Periscope user can view. Your followers are notified every time you are broadcasting and they can push a button to watch live. All Periscope broadcasts are archived for 24 hours so followers can still have a chance to watch what you’ve posted.

Note: There are ways to keep these broadcasts longer, which we will cover below

What do people broadcast on Periscope?

There are several different ways to use this form of media. One of the more popular ways people use it is to live-stream events like concerts. Using Periscope, you can essentially allow anyone to see what you are seeing live. This isn’t especially helpful to someone who wants to use the platform to build a business, but it is still good to know what some of the most popular uses include. Another way to use it is to get in front of the camera and broadcast yourself. You can demonstrate a product or just give some insight into your industry.

How is Periscope interactive?

One of the reasons that Periscope has caught on like wildfire is that broadcasters and viewers can interact through a chat feature. Viewers can comment and broadcasters can read those notes in real-time, making it possible to adjust broadcasts or answer questions in the middle of streams. Along with the chat feature are “hearts” that can be sent to broadcasters – kind of like a “thumbs up” during a stream. Broadcasters can see the hearts fluttering as they are live.

So does my small business really need Periscope?

Sure, why not? The app is free. Anyone can broadcast from anywhere on any topic, and you can pick up viewers who may not otherwise be familiar with you or your small business. As mobile video consumption continues to rise, consumers will come to expect video outreach from the companies they want to frequent. Periscope is a very simple way to get involved in that realm of promotion and be ahead of your competitors. Plus it is an excellent opportunity for digital content marketing.

Are you on Periscope yet? How do you use it to promote your small business?

Original article: Should I Use Periscope for my Small Business?

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