This is an experimental piece, recently juried into the Sebastopol Center for The Arts show titled "Marvelous", an international show of Assemblage and Collage. Over 600 entries from all over the world. 97 pieces were selected, and I must say, I am honored to be in such good company.
About the piece: She started out as a wooden fruit bowl found at a garage sale. Immediately I saw a heart in the shape of the bowl ~ and that was the direction I had planned to go. . . .

When I started working on this piece ~ I used text and images from a Greek art book I found a few years before. My idea was to embellish the piece as a heart, but soon "It (the piece) seemed to be telling "me" to go in a different direction. It became a face, instead of a heart. . . .funny how that happens.

For some reason, that summer in Spain, I was attracted to rusty nails, screws, washers, wire and other bits of rusty metals.
I don't often work with 'rusty-things, but these just seemed to work well with this bowl.

I finished the back with a very thin piece of wood, more text from the found book, and wired it for hanging.

What do you think? I think she's quite lovely . . .