Then when I heard Scarlet Ibis (a great dupe) was being released with the Marilyn Monroe collection, I went to check it out, only to find no Scarlet Ibis but Lady Danger, sitting there in that rack yelling "BUY ME NOW." And so I did! ^_^
And I've been gushing about it on my Instagram since then!

Price: Rs.990
Packaging:Do I really have to explain this? Everyone knows what MAC looks like! Lol! Standard black and silver bullet with the name on the bottom. :)

Colour, Smell and Texture:The color is the most vibrant yellow based red I have ever seen! That's what drew me to it in the first place. Bold and bright are the only words I can think of for this shade, maybe a little crazy too! As soon as you put on Lady Danger you become her! Not even kidding..There is a super boost in confidence levels when wearing this colour, literally over 9000!If you ever have to take care of business *cracks knuckles* wear this shade.

The smell is the standard MAC vanilla fragrance and I love the texture. Lady Danger is a matte shade but it isn't drying like most mattes.

No other red in my lipstick collection compares to the Lady.

Performance:As I said, Lady Danger is a matte (as any shade like this should be!) but I actually managed to wear it without a lip balm with no issues. I do find that my lips flake after a while with or without lip balm though. This color lasted an entire afternoon on me but as soon as I dug into my creamy chicken sandwich, chilly garlic fries and brownies it was almost gone. So yes, retouching is needed.Another thing is as with all red lipsticks, a lip liner is needed so you don't look like a vampire who's just had a Happy Meal by the end of the day. -__-
Do I recommend? Only if you have no issues with bright bold statement lips.So it flakes and bleeds a bit.. Big whoop! STILL LOVE IT.STILL THINK EVERY WOMAN SHOULD BUY IT.

Side effects may include: Lipstick induced awesomeness, instant empowerment, confidence to kick butt, urge to take over the world in your heels and continuous humming of this song:
So, do you love Lady Danger like I do? *makes out with lipstick* or do you have another color that boosts your confidence sky high? Let me know!

It's much brighter than this but this was the best I could do. :/ The arm swatch is most accurate.
Hope you enjoyed my first ever (yes 5 MAC lipsticks and this is the first ever) MAC lipstick review!Ta!♥Edit:Also thought I'd share this with you because funny/scary story.My boyfriend and I had our 4 year anniversary on the 26th, we decided to do a good deed and donate blood. Yeah well, as usual they couldn't find my vein, that really annoys me, and makes me black out when they dig around for it. x(Then he had to adjust the bag and needle every few seconds which was painful in it's own magical way. Lol! And then when we were done, I had to fold my arm, as you do, for ten minutes... When that was done, he gave me a band-aid. Five seconds after he put it o, the blood started gushing out from under it, atleast 3-4 tablespoons. I started laughing, I know that's weird! Lol! That's how I cope with strange things. :PSo they finally fixed it and now I have this to remind me of my good deed. ;)..Warning: Kinda gross...

I would still do it again though! Lol!