Books Magazine

Sharing Some Good News

By Steph's Scribe @stephverni

Still working toward and August release date.

While I continue to wrap up the editing and preparation of my fictional work, “Baseball Girl,” and still strive to release it in August, more good news came to pass. Along with my colleagues at Stevenson University—Chip Rouse & Leeanne Bell McManus—we are about to embark on a new challenge: writing an Event Planning textbook. We signed our contract yesterday and celebrated. We’ve been working on this concept for the last year, and are now ready to begin this process and start writing. We are so pleased and are all ready for this exciting, new challenge.

Congrats to my fellow authors, Chip & Leeanne. I am so honored to work with you on this book.

Chip (l), Leeanne (r) and me toasting our contract with Mimosas.

Chip (l), Leeanne (r) and me toasting our contract with Mimosas.

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