Culture Magazine
LOCATION: PONDICHERRY, TAMILNADU, INDIAYEAR OF VISIT: 2011If there ever is a place of ‘liberation’, a place of ‘soul’,a place of 'originality', a place where natural and supernatural entities ‘co-exist’,and a place that is yet ‘grounded’, then it has to be Pondicherry.Personally, I enjoy traveling and experiencing the cityalone. Here I bring you the ‘feel’ of the city through my work. If by viewing thepictures, you are 'urged' to visit the city, nothing else can be more 'honorable' to me. I wish you a great journey and stay here.
THE MOTHER ASHRAM The very source of inspiration for the city.A place to where you lose yourselves in the fragrance of exotic flowers, surrender at the 'samaadhi' of Shri Aurobindoand The Mother, and find yourself within you.
VILLA BLANCHE - The 'White' townBeing the base of French quarters during the French and British rule in India, a remarkable influence of French rule can be witnessed in 'a' part of the city. Racial discrimination was expressed in terms of architecture by demarcating the city into 'White' town and 'Black town'.The White town encompassed the typical French principles of designing; well zoned streets for parking, pedestrians and structures.
The amalgamation of French and Indian elements of architecture is vivid in this picture.
GOLCONDE: A dormitary for The Ashram
This structure is a living example of The Ashram's principles.
Relish its quality interiors via the link I have attached to the name.
My eyes do not miss the details. They form the most trivial and exhilarating part of any world. The brilliant simplicity of this wooden door framed contrastingly with the rugged gray RCC column and beam with a blank white wall serving as the perfect background swept me off my feet.
The Indian sentiment is to be noticed in the picture on the left. The mask of a 'rakshasa' (the devil) is displayed on the exterior walls of many houses to ward off the evil eye.
The vibrant colors and the artistically carved details speak Indianess in every respect. It seems to be a habitat of a French person from the name plate.
And now I take you to the 'breezy' side of Pondicherry.
This woman was bewitching. I saw myself in her. She was enjoying her lone moment the way I do. It looked as if she was listening to the beach and smiled back with absolutely no inhibitions.
She was one with the city. She made my day.