Quality Control: Self Preservation
- When I moved to Gaithersburg Maryland about six years ago – I was set on beginning to life a new life, without incident. I had just gotten divorced and was gung ho about starting my life anew, and excited about being in this state of mind and being. The only problem was, I really didn’t realize I had such a HIGE amount of pride and selfish ambition. I was trying to preserve my life, by “keeping it safe.” – from everyone and everything.
I wasn’t doing anything unusual. Most women can have a tendency to retreat when things are not going well. I had a friend mention during this time that I was what she considered to be a very “sweet”: person, but not one who is able to be very affectionate nor warm with others. She said she saw this side in me desiring to be set free. I listened, but I didn’t acknowledge I was hurting and in pain from relationships. I was not very warm and full of warm-fuzzies at the time, because I felt stagnate. I had a really bad attitude at the time, too. I thought Maryland was my “back up plan.”. I wanted to work and was anxious to find it, but God wanted me to SERVE. And not only that he wanted me to learn how to RECEIVE
- Serving is receiving. These two principles are interrelated. Let me tell you how.